“Meet Sherman: The Heavyweight Lapdog Who Weighs 154 Pounds!”

Introducing Sherman, the lovable 154-pound Newfoundland puppy who thinks he’s small enough to be a lapdog. He loves using his owners as cozy “human dog cushions,” even though he’s the biggest one in the house. Despite his massive size, Sherman is clueless about it and still seeks comfort by sitting on his favorite humans.

Sherman, the adorable pooch, is still in his growing phase at the age of 18 months. He has a long way to go before he reaches his full size which he will achieve after turning three. He needs to gain at least 28 more pounds, which makes him even more impressive. Despite his size, Sherman is quite stubborn and refuses to go outside for a wee, as hilariously shown in videos captured by his owners, Elliot and Beverley.

Elliot and Beverley are completely smitten with their lovable giant, even though he constantly squishes them. They happily spend more than $6,000 a year on him, knowing that he considers himself a lapdog. Despite the challenge of having a massive, drooling cuddle buddy, they find Sherman’s affectionate disposition and sociable personality absolutely precious. Everyone and everything is welcome in Sherman’s world, making him an absolute darling.

In February of 2022, our family welcomed a huge and cuddly new member from a breeder in Poland. His friendly nature and immense size have made him quite popular in our town, with many people stopping to snap photos and express their admiration for him.

Owning a magnificent dog like Sherman is a privilege that requires commitment and expenses. The owners of this gentle giant spend more than $150 every month on his food, and despite his insatiable appetite, he still manages to drool hilariously at the sight of other people’s meals. Because Sherman is a large dog, his special needs require careful attention, especially because his body is still growing until he reaches three years old.

Sherman, the beloved companion of Elliot, comes with its own set of difficulties and financial obligations. Nevertheless, this big-hearted pup has formed an unlikely bond with Kodi, a ginger tom cat who lives in the adjacent house. Sherman watches Kodi lovingly from across the fence, and the two have become the best of friends.

Beverly has a great way of describing her role as Sherman’s companion – she likes to call herself his “human dog cushion.” Even though he can be a bit of a hassle because of his size, their love for him never falters. They wouldn’t trade the experience for anything else.

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